Definition of Strongly Connected Graph
A directed graph is called strongly connected if for every pair of vertices u and v there is a path from u to v and a path from v to u.2) A program that uses the built in matmul, and does assignment from one matrix to another:
! Aprogram to compute the largest eigenvalue
! of a real, dense matrix by the power method
integer, parameter::devno=10, n=10, minit = 10, maxit=100
real::lambda_old, lambda_new
real::rel_err, tol = 2.0**(-20)
real,dimension(n)::x_new, x_old=(/(1.0/n,i=1,n)/)
open(devno, file='a.dat')
read(10,10) ((a(i,j),j=1,n),i=1,n)
10 format(10f4.1)
iterate: do i=1,maxit
write (*,*) "i = ", i
x_new=matmul(a, x_old)
lambda_new = sqrt(dot_product(x_new, x_new))
write(*,*) "lambda_new = ", lambda_new
if (i .gt. minit) then
rel_err = abs((lambda_new - lambda_old)/lambda_old)
if (rel_err .lt. tol) exit iterate
if (i .eq. maxit) write (*,*) "Maximum Iterations reached"
lambda_old = lambda_new
x_old = x_new/lambda_new
end do iterate
write(*,*) "lambda = ", lambda_new
Another place that uses matmul.
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