Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bindings And Scope

3. Variables
Replace absolute address with symbols. A tuple: (name, address, value, type, lifetime, scope).
address: can have many instantiations of same name at different addresses. via functions, different scope, recursion. vs.
alias - many names for one address. EQUIVALENCE in Fortran. Pascal and Ada's variant record structure. C's union. C's pointers, C++'s references.
type - defines value range and ops can perform. unsigned short int.
value - contents of mem cell.

4. Binding
Association between attrib and entity, or between op and symbol.
binding time
= when binding takes place.
int count; ... count = count + 5;
Bindings and binding times:
set of poss types for count: lang design time
type of count: compile time
poss values for count: compiler design time
count's value: execution time
meanings of +: lang definition time
meaning of + in this statement: compile time
internal representation of 5: compiler design time

binding attribs to vars: static = before runtime. vs. dynamic.

Type Binding. static w/ or w/o explicit declarations. Modern: Perl, ML - no explicit. VB6 optional. Fortran, PL/I, Basic: implicit. we spoke about Fortran's convention, and about unreliability. C: declarations vs definitions. dynamic: not bound by declaration, but at assignment, and can be reassigned. =flexibility. func can deal with data of any type. C++ needs know type of the data. Consider swap in C.
Jscript: list = [1.4, 4.5] and can reassign to a scalar.
lack of reliability due to typos generating new vars, or if assignment should not work, will.
usually interpreted rather than compiled because hard to implement dynamic type changes in machine code.

Type inference: ML can infer type.
fun circum(r) = 3.14 * r * r;
fun square(x) : int = x * x; //int specifies return type

Storage Bindings/Lifetimes
allocation/deallocation. lifetime= time var bound to a specific address.
static vars - throughout program execution. retain history, speed 'cause no alloc/dealloc. no recursion, waste of space.
stack-dynamic - allocated when declaration statement reached. could either be when enter func (Ada) or when reach that pos (Java). Allows recursion, sharing of space.
explicit heap-dynamic - using new and delete
implicit heap-dynamic - Perl, Javascript arrays and strings. as a result of assignment.

For both operations and functions. Type checking: make sure operands are of compatible types. compatible = legal for operator or can be implicitly converted (=coersion). type error - where cannot apply operator to operand.

depends on bindings of vars to types. if static, can do type checking statically. if dynamic, must be done at runtime = dynamic type checking. better to detect earlier. tradeoff of reliability with flexibility. What about variants, unions? Must maintain current type, if do actually check.

Strong Typing
Structured programming in 70's --> strong typing. each name has single type, defined statically = known at compile time. For variant records: type errors are always detected.
Pascal: almost strongly typed. allows type tag omission in variants.
Ada as well: variants dynamically checked. But can specify UNCHECKED_CONVERSION function. oiwerful, useful for using pointers as ints for user-defined storage allocation/deallocation. Modula-3: LOOPHOLE
C, C++: not. functions where parameters not type-checked. Namely, the "..." How do you think printf works?
ML: Strong: types all statically known, from declarations of inference.
Java: Strongly typed. Can do explicit conversion, resulting in type error, but no implicit conversion. at least in assignment. still some implicit coversion, in terms of evaluating expressions. int + float. string + int. "hello" + i + j.
more coercion --> less reliability.

Type Compatibility
in terms of assignment, most often. name type compatibility = only if have same names.
structure type compatibility - if structures are the same.

Consider the enum in C. Can we assign it to an int of v.v.?
When pass vars to funcs. if we define locally, who is to say that types are the same? Original Pascal - define it globally.

flexibility vs. difficulty implementing. compiler compare name, or compare each element type. What if have same structure in terms of data types but diff field names? Diff subscript ranges (0...9) vs (1..10)? Two enums with same num of components?

type celsuis = real;
type fahrenheit = real;

Pascal did not initally specify, which led to diff implementations. ISO Pascal - mixed: declaration equivalence - if define one type name = another type.

Ada: derived type vs subtype. derived:

type celsuis is new FLOAT;
type fahrenheit is new FLOAT;

cannot assign to each other, to and fro FLOATS, except literals.
subtype is compatible with parent:
subtype SMALL_TYPE is INTEGER [range 0 .. 99];

C: structural equivalence.
C++: name equivalence. typedef does not introduce new type, but acts as a macro.

Ada: need no type names
C, D : array (1 .. 10) of INTEGER; is incompatible
type: LIST_10 is array (1 .. 10) of INTEGER;
C, D: LIST_10;

scope = range in which is visible, ie can be referenced in a statement. locals vs. globals.

ALGOL 60: static scope. this is what we are used to. in C: globals seen in functions. within functions, nested ifs, blocks, etc. However, also nested procedures. static parent and ancestors.

procedure big;
var x : integer;
procedure sub1;
begin { sub1 }
end; {sub1}
procedure sub2;
var x : integer;
begin { sub2 }
end; {sub2}
begin { big }
end; {big}
Also, have narrower scop hiding wider scope. Scope resolution op in C++. C++ doesn't allow nested funcs, but do allow globals.

Again, ALGOL 60.
In Ada:
declare TEMP : integer

C, Java: {}. for's changing scope.

Dynamic Scope
APL, SNOBOL4, early lisp
problems: cannot determine attributes statically.
1) less reliable, since subprograms, even far off textually, can modify local vars.
2) cannot do static type checking
3) akin to Spaghetti code.
4) speed issues - much slower to access
benefits: no need to pass vars, bec implicitly visible
But static is more readable and faster. perhaps later discuss implementation of each.

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